What is WebStarter ?
The WebStarter Package offers a convenient and competitively priced solution for those who want a Web Site on the Internet but don't want to go through the processes involved in creating their own Web pages. We will fully develop your web site and also include one year of Secure Charter Hosting. Purchasers of this CD will receive a 10% discount.
What are the Features

The WebStarter's features include:

  • Domain Registration
  • InstantWeb's Free VIP service
  • One year of Secure Charter hosting services (Click here for details)
  • Complete setup of 8 pages designed with 25 megabytes of space for future expansion
  • Computer enhancement of 8 images designed and provided by the customer
  • Internal search engine with the capability to conduct searches within the site
  • A Feedback form for visitors to the site where the information will automatically be mailed to you the site owner.
How will your site be developed

Infostreet will begin by gathering the content you wish to include in your Web site. You may include:

  • Background on your company or organization
  • Product and service offerings
  • Contact information
  • Images or graphics
  • Any other pertinent information you would like to include into your designated templates

We will then create your own personalized web page based on the information that you provide to us . The WebStarter package provides a low risk and cost effective means for companies, organizations, or individuals wishing to obtain a presence on the web.

Not only will we fully develop your site, but we also include one year of Charter hosting.

What is the Price
A one time fee of $1800 for the Web Site development and One year of Secure Charter Hosting. This means that you don't have to worry about invoices, payments, etc. for your site for the next year. Purchasers of this CD receive a 10% discount reducing the price to


There are NO startup fees or hidden costs.

You may access and/or modify your site as many times as you wish with NO additional charges.

How to start your WebStarter Package
Click on the "Get Started" button below to contact us and discuss your Web Site need. We will take care of the rest.

Get Started
Additional Services
Ask your sales representative about some of the additional services which we can provide such as:
  • Graphic Design
  • Internet marketing consulting
  • Technical programming